Adult Soccer


Season: Sundays, December 3 - January 28 (No games held on 12/24 and 12/31)

Tournament: January 28

Fee: $400 per team (Must pay with one check/payment) *Max 16 on roster*

Times: 12:00-8:00 pm depending on # of teams

This 8 v 8 league consists of 6 weeks of regular play followed by a single elimination tournament. Each team must have 2 girls on the field at all times. Games consist of two 25 minute halves. All players must be 18 or older. Each team must wear same colored shirts/jerseys with numbers. 1 referee will be provided. Any fight will result in immediate disqualification from the league.

Registration deadline: November 26 (However, registration will close when max of 16 teams is reached)



Season: Sundays, December 3 - January 28 (No games held on 12/24 and 12/31)

Tournament: January 28

Fee: $400 per team (Must pay with one check/payment) *Max 16 on roster*

Times: 12:00-8:00 pm depending on # of teams

This 8 v 8 league consists of 6 weeks of regular play followed by a single elimination tournament. Games consist of two 25 minute halves. All players must be 18 or older. Each team must wear same colored shirts/jerseys with numbers. 1 referee will be provided. Any fight will result in immediate disqualification from the league.

Registration deadline: November 26 (However, registration will close when max of 16 teams is reached)


*Don't have a team? Contact the Sports Directors to be placed on our free agents list. Teams can also utilize the list for finding subs if necessary. Any subs who aren't registered with a team will have to pay $10 day pass each day they participate.

Adult Soccer Rules

League Schedule

Sports Directors

Britnie Rath & Lauren Hirsch
